The debate that it is better to posses inner beauty than outer beauty has been an on-going topic of discussion. In fact, a lot of people continuously argue that they will rather be beautiful inside than outside. This leaves me wondering, how you be beautiful on the inside when your outside does not radiate what’s inside of you. People have forgotten that how they dress dictate how they are addressed. What you put on your body matters a lot. For you to be recognized and respected in the society, dress properly and decently when going to the office, school, house of God, wedding or interview. If the inner you is beautiful, but you decide to be careless with your outward appearance, how will your colleagues and friends see you? What image will you project?
The truth of the matter is that looking and being beautiful on the inside go ahead in hand. The proper picture of beautiful on the inside goes hand in hand. The proper picture of beauty , is one that radiate from inside the inside out. If for example, you look shabby and dirty, how will you relay to anyone what you have inside? Take the example of a customer service officer who have the best qualities ever, beautiful on the inside, love to do her job, godly and honest, but on the outside, she is shabby dressed. How does she bring out the inner beauty she posses?
Being advocate of beauty, we must remember that being a teacher or leader, people will appreciate a combination of both inner and outer beauty. That is, properly dressed worker with all the smiles looking very nice and friendly.
Researchers revealed that “good looking people are seen as more helpful and cooperative and it helps to be conventionally good looking if you want to rise the career ladder”. Needless to say LOOKING GOOD IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS!
An old adage of course says “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. We should aware that our appearance should not be off-putting. The hard truth is that a colleague, friend or aspiring spouse must
Go through the outside first and takes time to know about the beauty inside. Below are some hot tips of looking good:
· Dress for success and impress your friends, colleague or clients. Always ask yourself, what does my attire say to others about me. Make sure the clothes you are wearing fits your body ( not too big, not too small )
· Consider the weather suitable for particular dressing (hot, dry, dusty, wet or cold).
· Consider the place and event (church, school, place of work, birthday, wedding or funeral)
· Avoid rioting of colour
· Avoid rumpled clothes, iron your clothes and appear smart.
· Always be natural and smart as you walk
· Exercise and keep your weight with a reasonable frame.